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Public Release of the New ERCA Training Syllabus

We would like to raise everybody’s awareness to the public release of the revised version (July 2024) of the ERCA training syllabus. The full document is now publicly available:

ERCA-Members can download the syllabus directly from here (after your click you will be asked to log on).

NON-ERCA-Members are welcome to order the ERCA Training Syllabus free of cost.

Please find the summary of the major changes below:
  • a) It is to say that for the most part of the document the contents and requirements will remain the same.
  • b) The new "Ropes Course Assistant"-award has been implemented. This new award should enable the possibility of employment or cooperation for people who, for whatever reason, cannot work at height on a ropes course. The course duration, theory and all contents are the same as for instructors, but just without the necessity to perform practical tasks at height. The different requirements for the working field of adventure parks and traditional ropes courses remain unchanged. Where some might think the course duration should be reduced for this award, the experts were of the unanimous opinion that “Ropes Course Assistants” shall have the same knowledge as their instructor colleagues, to fully support them from the ground and in accordance with the “four-eyes” principle.
    We are firmly convinced of this and know enough great examples of where competent people have given enriching experiences to a group in a ropes course, even from the ground.
  • c) The course schedule for “Train-the-Trainer” courses was modularised. The working fields remain the same, but we now differentiate generic content (core modules) which is relevant for training purposes in general and the working field specific content. This will bring a relief for trainers who want to qualify for a second training field: in the future they do not have to repeat the core modules and the training time is shortened by one day. However, if wished for the own professional development, the candidate is free to take part in all training days.
Again, our thanks go to all volunteer experts and staff members who spent hours over hours to discuss the continuous evolution and for all the efforts put in, to complete a precise wording for the document.

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