
Register for the Video Lecture ''Protect Trees from Bark Beetle Damage''

Spruce trees undergo enormous stress under the climate conditions with drought and storms. In addition, or potentially as a consequence, vermin infestation is reported more often. The occurence of big bark beetle populations is something which German foresters see as a growing threat.

Trees are the essential supporting structure in many ropes courses or adventure parks and we all are afraid that bark beetle damage could affect our own forest. For that reason the potential should be carefully monitored and where applicable preventive measures could help.

The planned video lecture & seminar will provide an overview of monitoring, preventive measures and for experts to explain certain scenarios. In addition, you can address your questions from the field and hear the experts' answers.

If you are interested in participation, please take the poll to identify the best availability and submit your e-mail-address in order to receive the joining instructions: