 ERCA Events
 Events from ERCA Members
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Impressions from our Anniversary- & Summer-Event

Our summer event, which we organised to celebrate the 25th anniversary of ERCA, symbolically included many of the association activities that have been important to us since the founding of the association and which stands for our community.

In the foreground thereby was the exchange of knowledge. The international team of teaching trainers met to evaluate the teaching of rescue methods and to promote standardisation. Our members, who focus on experiential education programmes, examined initiative games and their mechanisms of action together with game inventor Christoph Sonntag, or tested how to implement inclusion in canoeing. The inspection experts focused on the more technical topics with a look at chemical concrete anchors and the inspection of free-fall equipment. An interesting part for everyone was the presentation of tree health and methods for extending the service life of wooden structures.

Networking was also celebrated, bringing together international diversity with participation from 9 countries and a total of over 70 participants. All generations were represented, from members who were present at the inaugural meeting to the youngest generation who has just founded a company and submitted their ERCA membership application. The joy of the reunion and the openness with which new members were welcomed created such a good atmosphere, which was lived out at the campfire until sunrise. The diversity of competences and qualities was also once again important in our competitions, when the newly thrown together and international teams had to solve the most diverse tasks: in the OCR Challenge on Saturday or in the nightly rubber chicken golf competition on Friday.

A great thanks also goes to (in alphabetical order) CLiC-iT, Edelrid, Fürstenberg Holz, Head Rush Technologies, Koala Equipment, on-the-ropes and Petzl, who brought along their ropes course products and innovations as producers and presented them in detail on Saturday as well as answering many questions from the members. We will certainly also remember our youngest sales talent at the age of 7, who demonstrated the function and procedures even with the more complex rescue equipment in an exemplary way - many thanks 👍

Simply unique were also the possibilities and the hospitality of our member „Camp Adventure“, who looked after us wonderfully throughout the whole time of the summer event and also had so much to offer for the times in-between: whether it was the possibility of SUP or canoe paddling, relaxing on the sandy beach, cooling off in the bathing lake, the beach volleyball match, the GaGa ball activating all body parts, getting to know Archery Tag and the relaxing evenings around the campfire.

As we have already seen while we were there, our meetings and events thrive on the participation and involvement of each and every one of us. And so, overall, we would like to say thank you again to each of you for your time and the inspiration you brought and shared with everyone else. We are already looking forward to meeting you again at the next opportunity. Concretely, this could be at the newly initiated training workshops (regional or online), at the ERCA Netherlands Day in Winter or at the German Inter-Association Conference on 12/13/(14) March 2024, which will be jointly organised by the Bundesforum, Bundesverband Individual- und Erlebnispädagogik, European Ropes Course Association (ERCA), FDSV and the Reisenetz. More information will follow soon via email newsletter. See you soon!

  Matertrainer Workshop
Photographer: Angela Matheußer
  Inititive Games Christoph Sonntag
Photographer: Angela Matheußer
  Inspection Experts Training
Photographer: Linda Green
Photographer: Dennis Hausmann